In a world facing complex social issues, more extreme weather, and rising costs, you possess the power to drive meaningful change. Your ability to adapt early and think ahead is not only key to your business success today, it’s also helping shape a healthier, safer and brighter future for Life. Join me?

Welcome to Vujà Dé Creative Solutions – where creativity meets systems-thinking, sparking bold ideas for real change. Every project is a chance to transform our world. Let’s co-create a better world, starting today.

Creative Sustainableist & Systems Navigator

How I Can Help

As a qualified sustainability professional and Chartered Environmentalist, I blend strategic planning with creative, practical approaches to help navigate your organisation towards harmonious, social and nature-aligned goals through imaginative, regenerative action and play.

Tactical Play

Bespoke Strategy & Climate Workshops

Revitalise your strategy meetings by integrating play with design-thinking. Transform ordinary meetings into collaborative, educational opportunities, yielding actionable outcomes. Gain an informed understanding of global trends, engage stakeholders effectively, and tackle greenwashing with facilitated strategic sessions. Guide your team to act both confidently and purposefully in our ever-changing world.

Creative Problem-Solving: Unlock unique, effective strategies through playful, innovative thinking
Team Collaboration: Boost teamwork with engaging, interactive sessions
Sustainability Focus: Seamlessly integrate sustainability into core business practices
A collage of a new world
collage of a spaceman in a pink desert
Collaborative Distinction

ESG Project Support

Whether you’re a business owner looking for project-based support or a consultancy in need of an extra pair of hands, I offer a blend of expertise and practical application, helping to steer your projects towards success with clarity, efficiency and fun.

Expert Guidance: Navigate your projects with confidence
Tailored Solutions: Strategies designed for your specific needs
Enhanced Flexibility: Adapt to changing project dynamics seamlessly
Cost-Effective Value Generation

Fractional Sustainability Strategist

As your Fractional Sustainability Strategist, I offer expert guidance and cross-sector insights to help your business incorporate responsible practices into its core operations. This approach is not just about environmental stewardship; it’s about enhancing your company’s value and securing long-term success.

Strategic Insights: Tailored insights to innovate and grow your business responsibly
Value Enhancement: Boost company value through regenerative practices
Cost Efficiency: High-level expertise for a fraction of the cost

Hi! My Name Is Khandiz

I am a hybrid professional. I call myself a Creative Sustainableist, meaning I use various forms of creative practice to engage organisations of all shapes and sizes to unlock Life-saving business solutions.

As an accomplished international artist and qualified sustainability professional, I collaborate with businesses and individuals to reimagine a world that fosters social, environmental, and financial harmony. My mission is to co-design solutions that alter perceptions and foster a deeper connection with our natural world, and our role in it.

My unique skillset and training make me both strategic and able to implement practical outcomes. My background as a multidisciplinary artist gives me a distinctive way of seeing the world, which helps my clients see things through a different lens, and in turn, it helps them innovate, challenge, and lead.

Together, let’s rethink success, reimagine value,
reconnect with nature—and each other.


In Their Own Words

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Curious? Let’s Chat.

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call and let’s make things happen!


48-49 Princes Place, Holland Park, London W11 4QA


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