Integrated Sustainability Strategist

Decisions made today could ‘lock in’ risks, leaving your business vulnerable to future disruptions in a volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous world. Understanding and preparing for these challenges is crucial.

The Challenge

Navigating Global Trends

The challenges are multifaceted: from exposure to environmental risks like flooding and overheating to adapting to global shifts in technology, resources availability, consumer behaviour, and regulatory landscapes – leading to supply chain disruptions. Do you know where your blind spots are? The decisions you make today will shape your business’s ability to thrive in a future marked by both uncertainty and possibility.

Sustainability Leadership On Demand

As your on-demand sustainability partner, I offer more than guidance on sustainability. My role is to help you navigate these global trends, turning potential risks into opportunities. With a focus on creating a safer, healthier, and fairer business environment, I bring a mix of creativity, strategic insight, and practical wisdom.

Here’s the plan: Using my REGENASYST methodology, we’ll co-create a road map that aligns with key frameworks and certifications like BS8900, PAS808, Future-Fit, and B-Corp. More than just a transition, it’s a personalised ‘compass’ to help you meet your business and stakeholders needs, at global standards.

How? you ask. Here’s how!

Risk Mitigation &
Opportunity Seizing

Understanding and preparing for environmental risks while capitalising on global market shifts.

Creative & Innovative Adaptation

Adopting cleaner, quieter, and faster operational models to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving global market.

Long-Term Value Creation

Using clean energy, eliminating pollution and restoring nature to bolster your company’s reputation and long term relevance.

The Time Is Now

Design A Future You Want To Work For And Live In

Connect with me to explore how we can make your vision a reality.

Risks & Rewards

The Stakes Are High

Inaction or a narrow focus can leave your business (and your people) vulnerable and trailing behind in a world that’s rapidly evolving. Embracing change, looking ahead and being proactive is key to not just surviving, but excelling.

The Outcome

A Vision of Success

Imagine your business as not just a local entity but a global player, adept at turning challenges into opportunities in a world that values safety, health, and fairness. With a strategy that’s rooted in understanding and leveraging significant global trends, your business will be known for its resilience, modernisation, and ethical standards.

Together, we’ll ensure that your business isn’t just keeping pace with change but is at the forefront, shaping a future where it leads by example.


Our Productivity & Team Working Practices Have Greatly Improved

We love having the support and encouragement that Khandiz provides. Our productivity and team working practices have greatly improved since Khandiz started working with us.

Jimmy Keeping | Co-Founder of Sustainable Film



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